Celebrating Indiana’s Automotive Heritage
Stop 1: Stutz Museum, 1060 N. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, 46204
10 am ET, Street Metered Parking, No Cost
Located in the iconic Stutz Building, the newly opened Stutz Car Museum showcases eight classic cars on loan from Turner Woodard’s personal collection, most designed and manufactured in the Stutz Building a century ago.
Stop 2: Indiana State Museum, 650 W. Washington St, Indianapolis, 46204
11:30 am ET, Garage Parking discounted for Museum Ticket purchasers
Cost: Indiana State Museum tickets $11 Children; $16 Adult; $15 Seniors. Tickets can be purchased online in advance.
The group will meet at the Indiana State Museum’s Farmer’s Market Café to select from their menu and purchase your own lunch selections from sandwiches, salads, wraps and sides.
Following lunch visit the “Vintage Vision – Cars of the 1920s” exhibit with 10 of the most gorgeous cars of the 1920s – including a 1926 Duesenberg Model A Roadster – all on loan from the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Museum* collection. *For the duration of this exhibit, Indianapolis Motor Speedway Museum members receive FREE admission to the Indiana State Museum and Historic Sites.
The museum is open until 5 pm so after visiting the exhibit feel free to enjoy the rest of the museum.
Guests welcome to join Indiana Region members. Please RSVP with the names of everyone in your group.